Murder Mystery VR: Chapter One

VR stands for “Virtual Reality,” also known as “仮想現実” (Kasou Genjitsu) in Japan. It’s an environment and sensation that feels real but isn’t, created through cutting-edge IT technology that directly stimulates the user’s senses, including the five senses, via the brain.

Electronic stimulation to the brain is at a level similar to medical applications and does not have adverse effects on health. (However, those prone to motion sickness, individuals with mental disabilities, those undergoing treatment for brain-related illnesses or injuries, and those under the age of eighteen cannot use it.)

In terms of sensation, it’s like dreaming. You can land in a lifelike stage, see with your own eyes, walk around, and become a character from your favorite detective novel – that’s what “Murder Mystery VR” is all about.

The game’s objective is simple: become the main character of the story and witness a murder.

However, the numerous branches in the game may make it anything but straightforward.

This game offers remarkable freedom, which can sometimes challenge you. Time is limited, and roles are random.

If you are assigned the role of the “detective,” your goal is to prevent the assailant’s attack and reveal their identity.

If you are assigned the role of the “culprit,” your objective is to divert suspicion from the detective and keep your identity hidden.

Every time you log in, new discoveries and challenges await you. Now, the beginning of an unknown adventure has come.


Thank you very much for reading!

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Please look forward to the continuation as well (*ᴗˬᴗ)) Pekori.

Translated by Brooke of Jaybrooke Translations.

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Responses to “Murder Mystery VR: Chapter One”

  1. dendado

    You open for picking up novel suggest ?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. jaybrooke



      1. dendado

        Then i wanted to suggest this one


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